Anti-Deception Events
Distribution of Anti-Deception Leaflet (Regional Crime Prevention Office New Territories North)
Time | 1 2 3 4 5 | Between 1100 and 1200 hours on 2024-09-04 Between 1400 and 1500 hours on 2024-09-10 Between 1100 and 1200 hours on 2024-09-24 Between 1100 and 1200 hours on 2024-09-26 Between 2000 and 2300 hours on 2024-09-28 |
Venue | 1 2 3 4 5 | Poon Uk Tsuen, Lok Ma Chau Ta Kwu Ling Rural Centre, Ta Kwu Ling Ping Che Tsuen, Ta Kwu Ling Man Uk Pin Tsuen, Sha Tau Kok Lok Ma Chau Station Bus Terminus |
Target Audience | General public | |
Details | The highlight of the Events is as follows: | |
| Distribution of anti-deception leaflets |