Latest Scam Alerts

Beware of Scam Calls Purportedly from Consumption Voucher Scheme Secretariat

Defrauding Tricks

Recently, members of the public have received scam calls with 8-digit local phone number, purporting to be made from the Consumption Voucher Scheme (CVS) Secretariat. The caller claimed that the recipients were disqualified from 2023 CVS 2nd Instalment and asked for their personal information for unlawful purposes.


1st-instalment voucher was disbursed to eligible registrants (i.e. existing registrants) on 16 April 2023. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the Government) will use their registration data to confirm their eligibility for 2023 CVS 2nd Instalment. Subject to their eligibility being confirmed, the remaining voucher will be disbursed to their registered stored value facility (SVF) account if they do not amend it. For existing registrants who want to amend their registration data (including the registered SVF account or other personal particulars), they may do so through the Government’s CVS website during 5 to 27 June 2023.


The Government’s CVS Secretariat staff and its contractors will only call the registrants or send SMS notifications to them via designated telephone numbers. The SMS will not provide any hyperlinks, and they will not obtain personal information from the registrants through phone calls.


Our Advice

  • Stay alert and do not believe calls purportedly made by the CVS Secretariat. If the callers ask for your personal or financial information under various pretexts, contact the Secretariat to verify their identities;

  • Call the CVS Hotline at 185000 to confirm the veracity of such calls;

  • Do not disclose your personal particulars to callers, including your HKID numbers, SVF account, bank account numbers and passwords;

  • Remind your relatives and friends, especially the elderly at home, to stay alert against deception;

  • If in doubt, please call the “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” for enquiries.

Please click on the following link for more details: