Latest Scam Alerts

Beware of Phone Scammers Impersonating Staff from Housing Authority

Defrauding Tricks

Recently, the Police have received public complaint about scam calls purportedly made by staff of the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA), who claimed that assistance could be offered to speed up the public rental housing (PRH) application process, and invited the recipient for a meeting in a park.


During the meeting, the scammer asked the victim for copies of his Hong Kong identity card and proof of address, which would be used to open a virtual bank account to facilitate the application of PRH. Later, posing as the victim, the scammer opened a virtual bank account and applied for loans, then transferred the money.  


The victim only realised that he was scammed when he was approached by the bank for loan repayment.


Our Advice

  • If you receive calls purportedly from staff of the HA, you can verify their identity by calling the HA hotline 2712 2712;

  • Before signing any contract or document, make sure you fully understand the contents and details;

  • Do not disclose your personal information to strangers, including your name, ID card number, bank account number and password, address and income proof;

  • Remind your relatives and friends to stay vigilant against deception;

  • If in doubt, please call the “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” for advice.