Latest Scam Alerts

Scammers Impersonating Virtual Bank Staff Get Loans after Helping Open Account

Defrauding Tricks 

Recently, scammers in shirt imprinted with a bank trademark impersonated staff of a virtual bank and set up a promotional booth, offering free supermarket cash coupons to attract the public to open bank accounts.


When somebody showed interest, the scammers helped with the registration using their own mobile phones and SIM cards, during which the scammers photographed the victim’s identity card, address proof and appearance, claiming to use them for opening an account. The scammers then told the victim that he would receive a confirmation letter from the bank later.


Subsequently, the victim took the initiative to enquire with the virtual bank concerned and learnt that there was no promotional booth and some criminals impersonated bank staff to cheat. The Police conducted a thorough investigation into the case and revealed that the scammers opened a bank account on behalf of the victim to apply for loans and transferred the money.


Our Advice

  • Members of the public should open accounts and set up passwords with their own mobile phones or electronic devices. They should not submit application with mobile phones or electronic devices provided by third parties;

  • If members of the public suspect any promotional booths set up by banks or the identity of bank staff, they can call the hotlines posted on the websites of relevant banks or the Hong Kong Association of Banks for verification;

  • If in doubt, please call the “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” for advice.