Latest Scam Alerts

“Mainland Official” Phone Scammers Back at Work!

It has recently come to the Police’s attention that swindlers are making fraudulent phone calls again by impersonating Mainland officials. Please stay alert!
Modus Operandi
Members of the public received calls from swindlers impersonating as Mainland government officials (such as officers of Public Security Bureau, Consulate and Customs etc). The swindlers claimed that the victims are wanted by the authorities and, using various pretexts, to con the victims into remitting money to Mainland bank accounts in order to prove their innocence.
Our Advice
  • Concerned department in Mainland have confirmed that they would not request anyone to make a bank transfer or disclose the bank account password in order to prove their innocence.
  • Remind your relatives and friends to stay alert against deception.
  • If in doubt, please call the Police’s 24-hour “Anti-Scam Helpline (+852) 18222”.