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Beware of forged bank cashier orders when selling high-end motor vehicles

Beware of forged bank cashier orders when selling high-end motor vehicles
It has recently come to the Police’s attention that swindlers used forged bank cashier orders to purchase high-end motor vehicles. Please stay alert!
Modus Operandi
Victims were targeted by swindlers after listing their luxurious motorcars for sale on online second-hand motor vehicle trading platforms. After negotiating through mobile phone, both parties closed the deal and the victims were induced to meet at the Transport Department for instant transfer of vehicle ownership upon receiving the forged cashier orders of very high quality from the alleged buyers. The scam was uncovered only after a few days when the banks confirmed the cashier orders were forged.
Our Advice
  • Stay alert in any trade with non-cash payment instruments, in particular cashier orders & cheques which require several clearance days.
  • DO NOT transfer the vehicle ownership before the payment is successfully settled since the bank teller may not be able to identify the very high-quality forgery.
  • If in doubt, please call the Anti-Scam Helpline 18222 immediately.