Latest Scam Alerts

Beware of Phishing Email Scam

Beware of Phishing Email Scam
Defrauding Tricks

Recently, it has come to the Police’s attention that fraudsters send phishing emails purportedly from GovHK, which claim that the government is going to compensate those affected by the pandemic. Members of the public are asked to provide such information as their names, ID card numbers and bank account numbers using the form provided on the fraudulent website in order to receive the compensation.

Our Advice
  • Do not connect to government websites via links embedded in emails; stay vigilant and verify the authenticity of the websites.
  • If the callers claim themselves as staff of government organisations and ask for your personal information and bank account details under various pretexts, contact the corresponding offices to verify their identities proactively;
  • Do not disclose to strangers your personal information, including your names, ID card numbers, bank account numbers, online banking accounts and PIN codes, etc.;
  • Do not input bank account details and PIN codes into unknown applications or websites, and close the websites or applications immediately;
  • Remind your relatives and friends to stay vigilant against deception.
  • If in doubt, please call the “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” for advice.